This module looks at our role in genetics and genomics. We will consider the skills required to gain appropriate information from the families in our care and reflect on various situations we might encounter in practice when these skills and knowledge will be required.
By the end of this i-learn module you should be able to:
• Explain how genetic conditions occur and how they may be inherited
• Identify those with a higher probability of having a genetic condition and how you would refer to a specialist fetal medicine specialist or clinical genetic service
• Understand how using genomic information may impact maternity care
This module contains a number of animations, all under 2 minutes in length.
Study time: 1 hour
Course content: 2024
This module relates to the following NMC Future midwife standards of proficiency for midwives:
Domain 3: Universal care for all women and newborn infants
Domain 6: The midwife as skilled practitioner
Learner feedback:
A great module, really informative, loads of information, some of which is new. Really enjoyed the animations - this really added to the learning.
I am a lead midwife for genomics - so took the module in order to understand how to promote it amongst my networks. Enjoyed the case studies - really good examples.
I really enjoyed doing it as it is easy to follow and not heavy on words.
Excellent module with good integration of animations. The visual diagrams were also very useful as are the links to extra resources - thank you.