The four i-learn modules that make up Examination of the Newborn have been revised for 2020. They provide a framework for the holistic assessment of the healthy newborn baby and for examination at 6-8 weeks. The four modules are:

  • EON1: Preparing for the examination
  • EON2: The importance of history taking and newborn assessment
  • EON3: Physical examination of the newborn (this modules shows the full examination)
  • EON4: Clinical skills and equipment

EON4: Clinical skills and equipment is the fourth course in the Examination of the Newborn series. It looks at basic clinical skills such as taking a temperature and observing the baby. It also covers essential equipment used in the care of the newborn.

Study time: 1 hour

Original content: 2012
Revised: 2015, 2018, 2020