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Intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy (ICP)



The physiology of neonatal jaundice (study time: 30 minutes)

This module will take you through the physiology of neonatal jaundice, which we recommend is followed by the module 'Neonatal jaundice: practice points', which will help with application of learning to clinical practice.

Neonatal jaundice: practice points (study time: 40 minutes)

This module will take you through the application of learning about jaundice to your practice. We recommend that you also complete the module 'The physiology of neonatal jaundice' for a fuller understanding of the condition itself.


Maternal high dependency care

Maternity Disadvantage Assessment Tool (MatDAT)

Mental health


Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

Neonatal infection

Neonatal jaundice: practice points


Obesity: supporting women


Perinatal mental health

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