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Active Birth

An introduction to clinical research in the NHS


Anorectal malformations

Anti-D administration

Antibiotic awareness

Applying the care certificate to practice: a guide for support workers

Appraisal skills for managers

Asylum seekers and refugees

Atypical genitalia



Baby skin care

Basic life support in maternity: support workers' guide (Standard 12)

Bereavement care

Branch officers: organising the annual general meeting

Branch officers: the chairperson

Branch officers: the secretary

Branch officers: the treasurer


Calculating expected date of delivery

Cancer in pregnancy and beyond (2021 update)

Care Certificate

Child trafficking

Communication (Care Certificate Standard 6)

Communication in labour: a personal perspective

Compassionate care

Coroner's Court

COVID-19 in pregnancy

COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy

COVID-19: a guide for maternity staff

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) updated 2019


Detecting anorectal malformations

Developing your Study Skills - Version 2, 2018


Disposal of pregnancy remains

Domestic abuse

Down syndrome: The importance of language

Duty of Care (Care Certificate Standard 3)

Dwarfism and maternity care



Embedding clinical research into practice

Epidurals in labour


Equality and Diversity (Care Certificate Standard 4)

Ethical practice for maternity care

Examination of the newborn

Exploring a career as a midwife or MSW researcher


Female genital mutilation

FGM: Mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation

Flu vaccination in pregnant women

Fluids and Nutrition (Care Certificate Standard 8)

Forced marriage


GDPR for activists

Genetics and genomics for midwifery practice

Global midwifery: considering the practical issues

Group B strep


Hand hygiene

Handling information (Care Certificate Standard 14)

Health and Safety (Care Certificate Standard 13)

Health inequalities: the power of maternity care

Home birth midwife: is it for you?

Home birth: past to present

Home birth: setting up the basics

Homelessness & the Duty to Refer

Human factors: reducing errors in maternity care

Human rights in maternity care: advocating for women

Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos syndrome and other disorders


Infant mental health

Infection prevention and control: an overview (Standard 15)

Inflammatory bowel disease in pregnancy

Involving fathers in maternity care



The physiology of neonatal jaundice (study time: 30 minutes)

This module will take you through the physiology of neonatal jaundice, which we recommend is followed by the module 'Neonatal jaundice: practice points', which will help with application of learning to clinical practice.

Neonatal jaundice: practice points (study time: 40 minutes)

This module will take you through the application of learning about jaundice to your practice. We recommend that you also complete the module 'The physiology of neonatal jaundice' for a fuller understanding of the condition itself.



Leadership: from theory to practice

Lone working: advice and good practice (2018)


Managing change

Maternal high dependency care

Maternity Disadvantage Assessment Tool (MatDAT)

Maternity PEARLS - perineal repair and suturing

Medicines management in maternity

Mental health

Mental health, dementia and learning disabilities (Care Certificate Standard 9)

Midwifery continuity of carer: an introduction

Midwifery continuity of carer: implementation

MSW advocates


Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

Neonatal infection

Neurodiversity in the workplace

New stewards foundation course

Newborn bloodspot screening

NMC code

Nurturing infant mental health


Obesity: supporting women

Ockenden Report

Ockenden Report - Maternity services at the Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust


Peri-partum pelvic floor muscle exercises (updated 2020)

Perinatal mental health

Personalised Care

Planning your elective? Guide to overseas placements

Pregnancy and maternity rights at work

Preparing for your appraisal

Pressure ulcers

Privacy and Dignity (Care Certificate Standard 7)

Promoting compassionate and supportive workplaces

Promoting midwife led care


RCM Library resources

RCM Student essentials

Recognising the deteriorating postpartum woman




Revalidation: an introduction


Safeguarding and child protection

Safeguarding in maternity: an introduction (Standard 10/11)



Social media: staying safe

Standing up for higher standards


Stillbirth registration

Student essentials



Talking to babies: improving literacy and reducing inequalities

Tongue-tie 2021

Tuberculosis: prevention and care in pregnancy


Undermining and bullying behaviours in the workplace

Understand your role (Care Certificate Standard 1)

Understanding asylum seekers and refugees


Very brief advice (VBA) on smoking for pregnant women

VTE prevention in midwifery practice


Women affected by the criminal justice system

Women in prison: birth charter for care

Work in a Person-Centred Way (Care Certificate Standard 5)

Writing abstracts


Your personal development (Care certificate Standard 2)

Your rights to time off and facilities for trade union duties

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